Power Electronics Research Group

The Power Electronics Research Group systematically investigates issues relevant to the production, transformation and application of electrical energy. Specifically, the group is working on power conversion systems that are more energy efficient, more compact and...

Nano-Materials and Electronics Group

Over the past several decades, semiconductor devices have scaled exponentially and the demand for clean, affordable energy has risen dramatically. However, it is becoming more and more evident that conventional materials such as Silicon are being pushed to their...

Quantum Photonics Group

The Quantum Photonics Group studies Quantum Optics, Nanophotonics, and Metrology. Current research projects include: Quantum Silicon Photonics for unconditionally secure communication and other quantum technologies Quantum-Enhanced Detectors for real-time...

Optics and Quantum Electronics Group

Our research group has several main areas of exploration, including ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy, electronic-photonic integrated circuits, integrated fiber lasers at GHz repetition rate, and femtosecond frequency combs and applications. Currently the group’s main...

Experimental Atomic Physics Group

The Vuletić group strives to manipulate atoms and photons in systems where the particles’ quantum nature dominates. Our work touches on quantum measurement, quantum control, quantum feedback, mesoscopic systems and entanglement. Investigations: Nonlinearities at...