Optical and Quantum Communications Group

Quantum superposition and quantum entanglement are the bedrock on which new paradigms for information transmission, storage, and processing are being built. The preeminent obstacle to the development of quantum information technology is the difficulty of transmitting...

Auditory Physiology Group

The RLE Auditory Physiology Group conducts research on the mechanics of the auditory system, including the external, middle, and inner ear, and neural processing mechanisms. Other interests include cochlear implants as auditory prostheses and cochlear micromechanics....

Speech Communication Group

Speech is highly variable, especially in spontaneous conversation (words and sounds are acoustically very different in different contexts). The variation is systematic and predictable, and easily handled by human listeners, but presents a challenge for automatic...

Computational Biophysics Group

The RLE Computational Biophysics Group is focused on understanding conformational changes in biomolecules that play an important role in common human diseases. The group uses an interdisciplinary approach combining computational modeling with biochemical experiments...