LEAP Training Schedule

RLE offers a monthly workshop for faculty administrative assistants on a variety of topics that pertain to their core responsibilities.  Materials from previous workshops may be found at:
For more information, please contact Catherine Bourgeois (cmbourg@mit.edu, x 3–0085)

Individuals who are new to the administrative assistant role at MIT as well as current assistants looking to refresh their skills will find a curriculum of core trainings listed on our website:

RLE community members may access a wide variety of professional training programs at

There is a large catalogue of software training courses offered at lynda.mit.edu

Employees interested in learning more about research administration may take training at

RLE LEAP Training Schedule 2019–2020

September 25, 2019

Recycling Matters

October 16, 2019

MIT Off-Campus Housing

November 13, 2019

Title IX

December 4, 2019

Concur Travel Q&A

January 15, 2020

Concur Travel: Policy Change/Update

January 22, 2020


February 19, 2020

Exercising Influence

March 10, 2020

Visiting Student Process

April 14, 2020

Academic Appointment Process

May 20, 2020 

TLO: Patent and Disclosures

June 9, 2020

Pre and Post Award Process

June 24, 2020

Sleep and Mindfulness