Computational Prototyping Group, Professor Jacob K. White and Professor Luca Daniel, Link: Home
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Research > Codes

Computer codes produced and supported by the RLE Computational Prototyping Group.

This is a frequency-domain, free-surface, radiation/diffraction code. It is for zero forward speed problems and is complete to second order. WAMIT® is widely used in the offshore industry. It is available in both source (f90) and executable (PC) forms. The latest release is 5.3. Click on the name to go to a more complete description.

This is a multipole-accelerated capacitance extraction program. A nice supplementary user's guide can be downloaded. We freely distribute the source (C). Click on the name to go to the ftp site. Here is a Windows version.


This is a general multipole-accelerated solver for Laplace problems cast in integral equation form. We freely distribute the source (C). Click on the name to go to the ftp site.

pFFT kernel code (tar.gz, .tar.Z, .tar)
This code is in directory: '' There is a README file, as well as a dual set of the archive. The code is *not* "full blown" in the same way as e.g. FastCap. The idea is that people should download the code and incorporate it in their own BEM.

The program pfft++ computes single-layer potential, double-layer potential and their gradient in O(NlogN) time and uses O(N) memory. Combined with an iterative solver (such as GMRES or QMR), pfft++ could be used to efficiently solve the integral equations commonly seen in many engineering applications. It is written in C++ and developed on Linux platform. The generic programming technique and the standard template library (STL) are extensively used.

The c++ program FastImp is a wideband impedance extraction program for 3D geometries. It could perform Magneto-Quasi-Static (MQS), Electro-Magneto-Quasi-Static (EMQS) and fullwave analysis of complicated3D structures from zero frequency to at least tens of Giga Hertz. These 3D structures are commonly seen in interconnects and packages of VLSI circuits.

This is a multipole-accelerated inductance analysis program. We freely distribute the source (C). Click on the name to go to the ftp site. Here is a Windows version.


This is an open-source, quasi-static and full-wave, 3D, electromagnetic solver for efficient extraction of interconnect, power distribution, RF inductor structures accounting for skin/proximity effects, displacement currents, and substrate effects. The code is accelerated via the discrete complex image method, full-wave integration routines and an iterative pre-corrected fast Fourier transform (pFFT) matrix vector product. The code has been tested on a variety of large scale (up to 300,000 unknowns) structures.

This is a time-domain, free-surface, radiation/diffraction code. It is for zero and non-zero forward speed problems and is complete to first order (includes mean drift). It is available in source (f77) form. The latest release is 3.1. Click on the name to go to a more complete description.

This is a time-domain, zero Froude number code for ship interactions in restricted water. It is available in executable form (PC).

CAPLET: Parallelized Capacitance Extraction Toolkit

Project CAPLET provides a capacitance extraction solution of field-solver accuracy and contains a set of tools that directly handles GDS2 layout files into capacitance matrices in both GUI and command line interfaces. The underlying algorithm is based on the boundary element method with the Galerkin testing using instantiable basis functions, which can effectively transform the problem into a highly parallelizable form. Both MPI and OpenMPI implementations are provided.

M2VerilogA [by Zohaib Mahmood]

A wrapper class which takes in S-parameter or Z-parameter file in `.snp' touchstone format or .mat file in matlab and generates a compact dynamical model. The code incorporates binary search to find minimum system order for given error bound. The final model is saved in a verilogA file which can be easily interfaced with commercial simulators such as spectre.

DecouplingMatrix_MRI [by Zohaib Mahmood]

Open source MATLAB code for automated design of a decoupling matrix connected between the power amplifiers and coupled RF arrays. This decoupling matrix mixes the input signals and transforms the impedance to ensure all forward power is delivered to the load


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